Saturday, June 7, 2014

Morning Devotional June 7, 2014

Jeremiah 23:23,24

“Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? Saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.”

What a wonderful God we serve! What a glorious thought to know He is everywhere we go. Even when we seek to hide ourselves from Him, He is there.

When we run from Him trying to hide our sin, He is there.

When we think all is lost and there is no hope for whatever our situation may be, He is there.

Sometimes we forget how much our God is everywhere. Sometimes we forget that while we sin against Him no one sees. But He sees. Because He is there.

When our lives seem to be crashing down around us and our loved ones seem to not care and all we have longed for seems to escape us. He is there.

And yet it is in these times we seem to most forget that He is there.

Our Great Heavenly Father is there when His most sinful child needs Him.

When we feel all alone and feel no one cares. He is there.

Through our grief and pain. Through our joys and happiness. He is there.

Always remember our Lord is there!


Praise ye the Lord!!!  He is there!!!