Genesis 1:28
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”
In this verse we see God's first blessings and commandments to the first husband and wife. Notice the blessing and the commandments come together. Another words the blessings are the commandments and the commandments are the blessings.
Also notice the blessings and the commandments are not to just one or the other. The blessings and the commandments are for both husband and wife. God addresses all this to “them”. If we will read this in it's context we also see this all happens in the sixth day of creation before the fall of man.
So, as husbands and wives our first duty is to have children. Now, I realize and God knows there are those who are barren and can't have children and there are those who marry past the age of child baring for whatever reason. But those circumstances do not excuse from our duty to love and cherish our spouse. That husband is to still love His wife as Christ loves the church and that wife is to still be in subjection to her husband. That husband is still the head of their home and that wife is to still give honor to her husband.
As children of God and as husband and wife we have duties to God and to each other and if we have children, to them also. Now after the fall in the Garden of Eden, God removed man of his duties there and gave him other duties. But God never took away the duties a husband and wife have to each other. Men, we are to love our wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. Wife you are to “submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” Those things have not changed from Genesis chapter 1 until now. And will not change until we leave this life.
Are there exceptions? Yes. There can be a breaking of the covenant between a husband and wife. God gives provision for this in His Word. We will not discuss this in this series but possibly at a later time when the Lord permits.
So, above all things for a husband and wife, love the Lord thy God above all. That love for God must be and can be seen in our marriages by how we are blessed by God and by how we follow His commandments on marriage and by following these commandments He will continue to bless us.
Praise ye the Lord!!!