Luke 6:46
“And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?”
Notice the word “things” in this verse. How often do we have a one track mind when it comes to the things of God? How often do we become so Pharisaical towards one single sin of a brother that we forget or refuse to see the multiple sins in our own lives.
How many times have we heard those who seem to be on a personal crusade to change the world to fit their narrative and proclaim the sins of others but fail to follow the commands of Christ themselves. They will twist the Scriptures to fit what they want. Their non stop attacks on their own brothers and sisters in Christ show a lack of Christ like love He often warned against. Yet they trudge through life with their nose in the air and with their “holier than thou” attitude. All because everyone they know is guilty of the one sin they are not. If the truth be known, if they would just stop and truly observe the ones they complain about, they would see the sin they have accused others of is, for many, nonexistent.
As God's children, we must be careful of not being as the Pharisees, changing and/or adding to the laws and commands of God to suit what we want or how we think others should act. We must make sure we are in line with God's Word. It is one thing to proclaim the truth. It is another to proclaim the truth in love.
Praise ye the Lord!!!