Monday, November 25, 2013

Morning Devotional November 25, 2013

Psalm 143:6

“I stretch forth my hands unto thee: my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land. Selah.”

“I stretch forth my hands unto thee” Have you ever been so distraught with things in your live that when you go to the Lord in prayer that you cry out and reach up to Him as a child would their mother or father? What a time those are when we reach out to our Heavenly Father and He grabs us up in His arms and comforts us and consoles us and just lets us know He is there and cares for our every worry and burden. Those are the times we cherish. Those are the times, like with our own children, we feel His undying love. All though we may not get the answer we wanted or maybe the problems are not solved right away, we can have that peace in the middle of the storm.

Praise God He is our Heavenly Father!!!

In those times of great despair when we long for our Father's attention and love, our very soul thirsteh after Him. David says here “as a thirsty land”. Have you ever seen the ground soak up the rain water after there has been a long dry spell or a drought?  At first the soil will soak up the water like a sponge, but when it gets its fill and it can hold no more the water will begin to run off of the soil. After the rains have gone plants will bloom with the most beautiful flowers. That's like us in these times. Our very souls are dry as the desert. But when the Lord begins to flood us with His love and mercy and grace, we begin to fill up on those things He provides. Our cups runneth over with His love. We no longer are a desert but a blooming garden. The Lord takes our desert condition and turns it into the most beautiful garden we have ever seen. And why? All because of His love for us. All because He will get the glory for it all. And yes we must give our Heavenly Father the glory for it all!


Praise ye the Lord!!!

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