Monday, March 10, 2014

Morning Devotional March 10, 2014

I Chronicles 16:34

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.”

On this first day of the work week we should be thanking the Lord for all that He has given us. Our job, a way to get to that job, our home, the means to pay for that home, our family, the means to provide food, clothing ,and shelter for that family, our friends, and let us not forget the day the Lord gave us yesterday. That glorious day of worship.

That day that many of us have off from our job to sing praises to our Lord and to listen to His Word preached. The day our Lord has set aside for us to worship Him along with His people in one of His churches. What a wonderful experience we have, what a glorious blessing our Lord has provided for us by placing us in one of His churches with people of like faith where we can all come together and worship our Heavenly Father and sing the praises of our Lord and Savior.

Yet God has His people all over this world who have no place of worship or have no one to preach to them or to teach them the wondrous Word of our Heavenly Father. I find it very sad that we here in the United States, a nation founded on Biblical principles, would have so many of the Lord's true churches that are without a man of God to preach the Word to them. The nation which for the past 200 years has sent out more missionaries around the world than any other nation has now become the nation that has the greatest need for missionaries of any nation in our world today.

Our nation, which claims to be “One Nation Under God” is starving to death for the true teachings of the Word of God. We have been so blessed by God with material things and finances that we, as a nation, have forgotten where and who we came from. The sins of our nation are great. Possibly greater than any nation since the flood of Noah's day. Speaking of Noah, did not our Lord warn us that in the days just before His coming again things would be like it was in the days of Noah? (Matt. 24:37)

Sadly in my travels the last two years I have seen very few men that the Lord has raised up to preach His Word. Fewer men of God to preach the Word and more and more churches searching for a Pastor. What can this mean? Brother and Sisters I believe this can mean only one thing. Our Lord's coming is soon!

Do we give up? Do we stop preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ because He is not sending out new pastors and teachers? No! Our Lord instructed us to work till He came. We are to work the fields of our Master until His coming to take us to that glorious home He has prepared for us.

I encourage you all to carry on the fight! Carry on with the Lord's work He has given unto you! Never surrender to the temptation of the devil by giving up! Continue to wage the war against this old world  full of sin and death! Pray that the Lord stands with you and for you in this fight!

For this is not a battle for the weak but for the strong. We must be strong in His Word and strong in the faith He has given us. As the Apostles and the first church did in Acts 4:24-31 pray for boldness to stand-up for and to speak the Word of God. Pray for the boldness of those men of God who are out there in different parts of our nation and the world, that the Lord will give them boldness to carry on with the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and with the teaching of His people no matter what the conflict may be where they are.

As men we can not fight this fight alone. Only by the Grace of God can we have the proper armor our Lord has provided for His children. 

Remember our main verse; “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.” Give thanks unto the Lord daily! Why? Because He and He alone is the only one that deserves our praise! He and He alone is the only one who shows us true mercy for ever! He and He alone provides us with the boldness to fight the fight!

Praise Ye the Lord!!! 

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