Friday, May 2, 2014

Morning Devotional May 2, 2014

Jeremiah 6:16

“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”

Oh how we have strayed from the old paths today. For the sake of technology or culture or trying to keep up with the live style of our friends and neighbors we have forsaken not only the old paths of our society but of our religious believes and of the Holy Word of God. In chapter 6 of Jeremiah God was warning the inhabitants of Jerusalem of the coming destruction. But they continued on with their worldly ways and refused to heed the warnings of God.

So we see ourselves today. In His Word, God has warned us of what is to come and we are not heeding His warnings. As a nation we have turned our backs on God. We have voted in every evil politician that comes along and then we whine because they do not do what they promised. We have allowed those of all kinds of sinful thoughts and deed to over taken the land and change the very laws that were set up by our forefathers who originally based our laws on the moral laws of God's Word. Yet, we as God's people set back and bask in the rays of a financially prosperous time where we can have much more than we need. We have become spoiled by the blessings the Lord has given us and now we are beginning to pay for our laziness.

When we think back on the old paths, most especially where the Lord's churches are concerned, we think of a time when preaching the Word, the whole Word of God was what the people wanted and that was what they got from the messenger. But today for the sake of the new paths many have substituted games and motivational speeches and comedians and various programs. Entertainment has taken over for the preaching of the Word. We sit back and we see the children of the last twenty years or so grow up and to be rebellious to their families and to the Lord's Word and all the while we continue the same old cycle that put them there. Instead of offending them with true Gospel message we give them a watered down version. Instead of feeding the Lord's sheep we tell jokes to keep their attention or we bring in the latest entertaining singers or speakers to tickle their ears.

Oh how many times I have heard those who say they wish their pastor would teach them more of the Word. How many times I have heard those say they wish there was more Bible study time in their church. Pastors, Preachers, and Teachers; I encourage you preach/teach the whole Word of God. Don't just get hung up on current affairs or in the new paths. Preach/teach the doctrines of our forefathers. The doctrines our Lord taught when He walked the earth. The old doctrines. The unpopular doctrines. The Lord's sheep need to be feed and if we offend any with His Word then it is His business to convict them and not for us to worry whether they will visit the congregation again.

Warn the people of the coming destruction. Go to the scripture and show the people what happens when a Holy and Righteous God chastises His children for following after the world of sin.

Preach the Word. Preach the whole Word of God.


Praise ye the Lord!!!        

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