Sunday, July 6, 2014

Morning Devotional July 6, 2014

Colossians 2:8

“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

As a continuation from yesterday; we see here where Paul gives his warning to the church at Colosse about false teachers.

We see so many in the religious world who claim the name “Christian” who teach contrary to the Word of God. We hear them teaching doctrines that are far from the truth. Yet so many will follow after these false teachers and false doctrines as though they are truth. Even with all the warnings the Lord gave us in His Word we still find false teachers and false doctrine the main stay in religious circles today. It's as though no one is paying heed to the very Word of God.

Man will take a plain simple truth from the Holy scriptures and stretch it and twist it until he gets what he wants out of it. Then he will teach it to as many as who will lesson. If it sounds good, if it sounds pretty, and sweet then the people will fall for it every time.

As sinful men there are times when we grow weary of hearing our sins preach on. It is in those times of weakness that the ole devil puts those thoughts in our head that our sin is no worse than anyone else. It is in those times that we are most venerable to kind, soft, pretty words from the false teacher. It is those times that the traditions of men seem to sound good, even when we know better. We follow after the crowd and fall right off the cliff into the doctrines of devils.

And this is why I constantly stress that all God's children turn to His Word when in these times of weakness. If you are hearing preached things that are contrary to what the Word of God says or you are hearing things taught that are not what you have heard in the past. Do as the Bereans, study DAILY the things that you hear preached and taught. Make sure the preacher you are setting under is preaching the whole of God's Word and not half truths and false doctrines.

Beware of those who preach a health, wealth, and feel good gospel rather than the true Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Beware of those who preach the philosophies of the man with the intent to deceive the people. Beware of those who teach the traditions of man as though they are truth. Follow Christ and Christ alone!!!


Praise ye the Lord!!!  

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