Saturday, December 26, 2015

Morning Devotional December 26, 2015

Proverbs 1:29-31


“For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.”


It is very troubling to me to see every year at this time, many of God's children following after the world while claiming to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. I see so many spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars on worldly possessions for themselves and their families and friends but very little regard for the things and the people of God. So much pomp and praise for a babe in a manger but very little if any praise and worship for the one who bled and died and was raised again to give us the gift of eternal life.

In many places God warned us in His Word not to follow after the world but to be separate from the world. He warned us to not follow after the traditions of man but rather to follow Christ. Yet every year His people refuse His commandments and follow the creature and not the Creator.

Yes, I know there are some who will take advantage of the “religious” aspect of the season and will preach the gospel while people seem to be willing to listen. And I commend them for this admirable act. But many times those same ones while not preaching the gospel will follow after the world's tradition for the season and observe the holy day set aside by the false prophets of darkness. This is the very thing our Lord warned.

We wonder why our children have turned their backs on the things of God. We wonder why our children have left the Lord's churches. We must examine ourselves. Are we living the life example Christ gave us while He was here on this earth? Are we following His commandments that He gave us to follow? Remember, when Israel followed after false religions and false teachers God took away the promises He had made them. What makes us think He hasn't done the same with us today?

I encourage you all to carefully consider these things. Stand back and examine your life. Are you living according to the commandments of Christ? Are you living according to the examples He gave in His earthly walk? Even though multitudes of people followed Jesus as He preached and taught, but only a few were actually believed. The others were there to be fed with physical food and to watch the miracles. His chosen few were there for the Spiritual food and for the Spiritual healing. The gift of eternal life.

Which are you? Are you here to be fed physically or Spiritually? Are you here to see the physical healings? Or are you of His elect and are here by the faith He has given you so that you might believe on Him and that through that faith He will save you by His grace. Remember, the only true free gift ever offered is the gift of eternal life given by our Heavenly Father. Praise His name today!!! Follow after not the temptations of the world and follow Jesus Christ!!!



Praise ye the Lord!!!

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