Monday, March 21, 2016

Morning Devotional March 21, 2016

I Thessalonians 5:25

“Brethern, pray for us.”

O what powerful words in such a short verse. Brothers and Sisters in Christ we should and we must be praying for each other. With everything we have going on in this old sinful world today, we are all in much need of prayer.
We should count it a blessing when others come to us asking for prayer for themselves or their loved ones. What a great responsibilty is placed upon us by our brothers and sisters who come seeking our prayers. What greater help could we be to them?
Brothers and sisters I encourage you, pray one for another daily. When someone asks for your prayers, oblige them by doing just that.
Also, don't be to humble or stuborn to ask others to pray for you. Give others the blessing of helping you as they have blessed you in the same.

Let us all prayer for one another. When our Lord puts a brother or sister in our thoughts, stop and pray for them. When we are in need of prayer, let others know. Pray for each other and remember to ask others to pray for ourselves.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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