Saturday, May 7, 2016

Morning Devotional May 7, 2016

Mark 14:38

“Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.”

O dear child of God, are you in continuous prayer with our Heavenly Father? Are you watching and praying? Or are you following after the temptations of this world and the enemy of God?
Yes, the Spirit in us is willing to follow our Lord. But our flesh? Our flesh is weak and easily persuaded. Constantly trying to lead us astray. It is our flesh that satan so readily attacks at every opprotunity. It is our flesh that still craves the spices and the seasonings of Egypt. But we are commanded to follow the Spirit not the flesh. Fore the Spirit leads to life and the flesh leads to death.
Watch ye and pray!!! Stay in continuous prayer with our Heavenly Father. Follow our Lord and Savior in all things and all thoughts. Flee from the temptations of the world. Never look back. Keep your sight on the prize ahead of us. Follow Christ!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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