Thursday, June 9, 2016

Morning Devotional June 9, 2016

Numbers 32:23

“But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out.”

O child of God are you following our Lord? Are you walking in His commandments? Are you seeking His face constanly?
O how we as sinful men do stray from what our Lord has commanded us to do and to follow. O how we sin against Him!!! And even with all this He still loves us. He still stays with us. He still lovingly chastizes us and brings us back into His fold. Fore He sees all that we do. We can do nothing without our Lord knowing.
Our sins are many. But His grace and mercy are great!!! Best of all His grace and mercy are free to those He loves!!!
And yes, our sin will find us out. No matter how well we think we have covered that sin. No matter how much in secret we thing that sin to be. Our Lord will bring it out. He will receive the glory for all!!!
So child of God, run from your sin. Run to the arms of our Lord. Stay in His Word. Pray to Him without ceasing. Consume yourself with Godly thoughts. Sing unto yourself Spiritual songs and hymns. Give sin no room to grow in you. Praise Him!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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