Saturday, October 22, 2016

Morning Devotional October 22, 2016

Acts 15:18

Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.”

O child of God what a glorious thought that we serve the all knowing God!!! O what a blessing to know that nothing ever happens that He did not know was going to happen and has prepared us, many times unknowingly to us, for whatever it is.
Whether it is trials and persecutions or it what we consider as blessings and happiness. Even what we see in our world today as one big mess, God knew about it from the beginning. All that has happened down through history, our Heavenly Father planned and permitted to happen. Man nor fallen angels nor even the god of this world, satan, could have orchestrated things the way they have come about.
Praise God He is in control and He will get the glory for all!!! Even the acts of this evil present world are proof that God is in control. We see the situations in our own lives and the lives of our loved ones, family and friends and yet God knew from the beginning it was going to be so. And for those of us that are His, we the Great Comforter Jesus spoke of and His Apostoles wrote of and taught. The very Holy Spirit of God to guide us and give us comfort. All the time knowing before it happens what we will go through in this live. Preparing us all the way by teaching us from God's Word.
O what a love our Heavenly Father has for His children!!! O what a Savior we have!!! O what a Great Comforter we have within us!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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