Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Morning Devotional February 28, 2017

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

Praise God He is the creator of heaven and earth!!! It is He who created all things in heaven and earth!!!
God's Word makes this claim many times over. We say we have no doubt of God as our creator. Yet we deny His Sovereignty in every aspect of our lives. Even as His very children. The ones He chose before creation to adopt into Himself. As His ministers we preach and teach the Sovereignty of God. As members of His churches we sit and listen to others preach the same and we say we are in agreement with that. But what is our witness? Do we actually practice what we say we believe?
Look at our daily lives. O how wicked and sinful we are!!! We deny God and His Sovereign rein over us daily. Often many times a day. We are constantly trying to do what we cannot do alone. We try and try to force the hand of God to work in our lives the way we want Him to work. We deny His will and His plan.
O but child of God, we serve a wondrous and powerful and loving God. His love for us, even when we are disobedient, is great by far than any love we have ever known. Even in our open rebellion and denial of His dominion over His people, His grace and mercy rules supreme and His love is never failing. And the simple task He has commanded of us to do, we are pitiful failures of . All we have to do is follow Him. Follow His commandments for. Remember, He says they are not grievous, but we make them grievous by not following.
O praise God He is our creator and not we ourselves!!! Praise God for His everlasting love for His children!!! Praise Him!!! Praise Him!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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