Romans 16:17
“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”
The Apostle Paul wrote much in his letters to the churches about false preachers/teachers and others who caused problems in the churches. He warned them many times to guard against false doctrine and false gospels. Even in those early days of the churches we see they struggled with the same problems we have today. What Paul warned them of is also very relevant to the Lord's churches today. There are many out there who seek to divide and conquer the Lord's churches for the sake of money and other worldly lusts. Paul tells us in this verse we are to mark those that cause problems. Another words we need to make sure everyone knows who they are and what they are about. It needs to be heralded to all the Lord's churches when such a one is prowling about to see whom they may devour.
Why does Paul seemed so concerned with all this? Why must we be on continuous guard against those who seek to divide and offend the Lord's people? Paul even goes so far to say to avoid them.
Paul understood how precious the churches were to our Lord. He understood they are the bride of the Son of God. He knew that they must be prepared and presented as a chaste virgin to her Groom.
O my prayer today is that we would take the care of our Lord's churches as Paul did! O that God's ministers would spend the time to warn the people and to teach them the whole counsel of God in hopes that they would not stray from the doctrines from which they have learned!
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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