I Corinthians 10:14
“Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.”
How much more plain does the Lord have to be? Over and over in God's Word God warns His people, He commands His people to flee idolatry. He tells us to have nothing to do with idolatry. And yet like Israel of old the New Testament saints continue to rebel and refuse to follow this simple commandment.
The religious world just celebrated another idolatrious holy day. And supposedly in the name of Christ and His resurrection many of the Lord's true churches have fallen in to the same. The age old question has been do God's people celebrate these holidays that have come from the harlot in Rome or not? We claim to be Landmark Sovereign Grace Baptist. We claim to be able to trace the doctrines and believes we hold dear back to Christ and His first church in Jeruselam. But the very things our forefathers died fighting against we have claimed as our own. What is wrong with the Lord's churches today? Have we become so cowardly that we will not make a stand to our friends and families on these matters? Where is the boldness to stand for and to preach the truth we hear so many pastors and teachers claim they desire? Why do we not hear the whole council of God on these matters? Why has God's people fallen into idolatry? The very idolatry we all preach against until it comes holiday time.
A little study of God's Word and we can refute the false doctrines of these idolatrious holy days. Everyone is steeped in lies and witchcraft. Yet God's people follow right along. Trying to justify our lust of the flesh by adding the name of Christ to our idolatry. What a blasphamous lot we are!!! We claim to love our Lord but we refuse to follow His commandments. Where is our love really? Is it with the Lord or is in ourselves?
Child of God, I challenge you, search the scripture. When it comes to holidays that we celebrate. Search God's Word. Compare the teachings of the holiday with what God's word says. Is there anything about what we are observing that is plainly taught against by our Lord? If so, then stop. Follow the Lord. If you love Him follow His commandments.
Praise ye the Lord!!!