Sunday, April 2, 2017

Morning Devotional April 2nd, 2017

Psalm 95:1

O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.”

As we begin a new week in our Lord, let us be joyful and thankful to the one who has chosen us and saved us unto Himself for His glory. Sing His praises today and every day. If you are able, be with His people today in worship to our Heavenly Father. If you are not able, He has provided multiple ways we can worship Him. With technology you may be able to watch or listen to sermons or even whole church services. If not simply read and study His Word.
Make a joyful noise to Him. Part of our prayer life is praising our Lord in word and song. Remember, prayer is communication with God. Find scriptural psalms and hymns and songs. Learn new ones. He tells us to sing unto Him a new song.
Praise Him in song. Be in fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ today. For many today maybe the only day every week that they have opportunity to fellowship with God's people.
Start the week off right. Give God the glory and honor He deserves. Give Him the praise and adoration He desires from us. He is the rock of our salvation.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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