Saturday, March 31, 2018

Morning Devotional March 31, 2018

Psalm 5:12
“For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.”

In this verse, David, who is in a time of great persecution in his life, states that our Lord will bless the righteous. Notice the blessing he speaks of is not fame or fortune. But is the blessing of mercy and grace from God . It is the blessing of God to protect the righteous.
Go back and read the rest of the chapter. David tells of his enemies. David tells of the persecution he suffers at the hands of those who, are not only trying to kill him, but are also spreading lies about him. They were trying to turn even his closest friends and allies against him. But praise God, God compassed David round about with a shield of protection and protected David from those who sought to harm him.
Was this blessing for David only? No. Though we may go through trials and tribulations and persecution in this life we have God's promise of protection if we will love Him and follow Him.
But even for the righteous there are times of rebellion. There are times our love for our Lord falters and we refuse to follow His commandments.
Even David. The man after God's own heart, rebelled at times. If though David was considered righteous he still failed at times. He suffered chastisement from the Lord for his rebellious ways and so do we. But God still counted him among the righteous. How? With all the evil we see in David's life? If you read the story of David you will see he always repented of his sin. No matter how great the sin. No matter how great the chastisement from the Lord for the sin. David always followed the Lord's commandment and repented.
We have been blessed with the book of Psalms. David wrote most of the Psalms collected there. David writes of his love of our Lord. He writes of how he knew he was not worthy of God's grace and mercy but how he was blessed beyond measure by our Lord's faithfulness in loving him.
Where are we today? Do we grief over our sin? Do we seek repentance for our wrongs and rebellions against our Lord? Or are we following the ways of the world with no care of what our Lord thinks?
Child of God, seek not the world or the glories there in. Seek our Lord and His righteousness. Seek to please the One who died to set us free from the temptations of this life. We ought to wake every morning seeking ways to please our Heavenly Father. We ought to be waking every morning begging Him to forgive us of even the smallest of sins. But what are we doing? Are our first thoughts every day of our Lord? Or are they of our job? Or is it our graving of our first cup of coffee and/or breakfast? Or a multitude of other things?
Seek the Lord. Follow Him in all things. Pray without ceasing. Go to bed at night with Him on your mind and wake the next morning with Him on your mind.
O how this is my pray for myself and all who reads this! To be in constant communion with our Heavenly Father. To be able to push aside the cares of this life and of this old sinful world and follow Christ and Christ alone!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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