Matthew 11:28
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Depression is a horrible thing. We often hear preachers take light of depression and, even though it may be unintentional, to the child of God who is suffering it may come across as scoffing at their presumed lack of faith. The fact of the matter is there are many different reasons and causes for depression and whether we want to admit it or not God's people do suffer.
Especially this time of year in the northern parts of the world. When all the scenery can seem so dark and gloomy every day. The days are short and the nights long. People are stuck inside due to the weather. Praise God He has provided us with technology! If we have a phone or a computer with internet and a video camera. What a wonderful way to stay in touch with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Email, social media, even an old fashion letter sent in the mail.
Today we have at our finger tips the means to communicate with others around the world like never before. But, do we? Some will say, “well I am home all day and no one contacts me”. But do you try to make contact with others? Some times we forget others may have busy lives with work and family and just forget to call. Or perhaps they are sitting around saying the same thing we are? Or maybe our attitude towards them has been so that they dread contacting us out of fear of confrontation?
Many a motivational speaker/so-called pastor has made big money over the last 30 years or so promoting ways to deal with depression. Yet, for the child of God most if not all of these are nothing but false prophets. Seeking to fill their bank account rather than teach the love of Christ. A child of God has no business seeking the help of those in the secular world for a spiritual matter. Nor should we look to health/wealth gospel promoters for the same.
With just a little time of study we see many places in God's Word where He gives comforts to His children. We also know our Lord instructed us to comfort one another. In the New Testament we are encouraged by our Lord and by the writers of the epistles that the members of the churches are to be an encouragement to each other. But often times our fellow members know nothing of our despair. We have become good at hiding our feelings and emotions, so much so that our own brothers and sisters don't recognize when we are feeling down. Yet, on the other hand, we are taught today that depression is a weakness not becoming of a child of God. Some look at as a weakness of faith in Christ. But we know even the great heroes in God's Word suffered depression at times. Abraham, Moses, David, Jeremiah, John, Paul, to name a few. Even our Lord when He prayed in the garden.
The fact of the matter is that depression in and of itself is not a sin but, rather it is when we let that depression consume us. When we dwell on things that take our focus off of Christ and place it on our problems then it becomes a sin. I am convinced that depression is part of our God given, human make up. As long as it does not consume our very being and ruin our witness for Christ.
The only time we see in scripture where God chastises one of His own for depression was only when they dwelt to much and to long on whatever concerned them. The same applies to us today. So what is the best remedy or the best way to combat depression? One of our Lord's commandments is that we love one another. Seek godly council from a trusted brother or sister. But more importantly, as Jesus says in our text verse “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Seek His face in times of despair. Seek Jesus and He will give you rest.
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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