“Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused: and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together.”
The past few mornings we have woke to hear of more and more unrest in major cities around our nation. In the beginning the peaceful protest seemed justified by an unlawful act by a police officer that resulted in the death of a man. But very quickly the peaceful protest turned into illegal rioting and major chaos. Whether we want to admit it or not there is a criminal mindset behind all this. While our nation is attempting to get back to some normalcy after being locked down by what was falsely predicted to be the worst pandemic in recent history, we now have angry rioters looting and pillaging and destroying private businesses and public buildings and even historical monuments.
But listen to the crowds on the news videos and some of the videos taken by others. The vast majority of the rioters have no idea of why they are doing what they are doing. The excuses some give make no sense. While others are just out there to rob and to steal and to destroy for the fun of it all.
Just like those who came out to protest Paul and the other Christians in Ephesus. A few verses later we see the townclerk plead with the people to take their discourse to the courts instead of rioting. Notice, he even names the name of the man who has instigated the riot. Demetrius the silversmith. A prominent business owner stirs up others in his trade and they in turn stir up others causing the out break of a riot. Instead of following the law of the land. Just like what we have seen in our day. Notice even after the police officer was arrested and will be brought up on charges of murder, the crowds still riot. For what? The law has worked in their favor. Yet they are still not happy. Matter of fact the rioting has gotten worse since the officer was arrested and charged. Leading me to believe the rioting has nothing to do with the original excuse.
Folks, as God's people we must remember we have no place in unruly rioting. Yes, we see and hear others try to quote from God's Word while carrying out unlawful acts and try to use these words to justify their actions. But every time rioting is mentioned in scripture it is never in a favorable light. Remember the Jews riot when Jesus was brought before Pilot? They too quoted scripture. Remember, the Jews accused our Lord of blasphemy because He claimed to be one with God.
We are living in perilous times. We go from one catastrophe to another it seems. When all seems to be working towards peace then we see Satan stirring evil in the hearts of men. Bringing unnecessary fear and worry into the hearts of God's people. But what or whom do have to fear? For they can harm the body but not the soul. And only if God permits.
Oh child of God, look to Christ in these most difficult times. Remember Psalm 121:1-3
“1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.”
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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