“10 And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.
11 And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord?
12 Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.”
I know several men who are in the ministry who will, very humbly, tell you their experience of when the Lord first called them to preach. And how much like Moses was their reaction. Remember Moses was a very educated man. Having been taught right along side the son of Pharaoh as he grew from a child to a man. Yet Moses says he was not an eloquent speaker. Moses says he was slow of speech and of a slow tongue. Kinda of reminds of the men I know from different regions of the USA. In the North they make fun of our Southern dialect and slow manner of speaking. In the South we make fun of those from the North with their fast speech and quick tongue. Then there are other regions who may have a combination of all these. I would assume it is the same in other countries or regions who speak the same language with different dialects.
But the moral of the story is that no matter what the speech impediment, God is able to make a man get the message out that God wants the listeners to hear. King David was a lowly shepherd boy. The youngest of his brothers. Remember the tradition of David's day was that the father put all his energy into teaching and training the oldest son because he was the one who would be in charge of the family once the father was gone. But David was God's man for king over God's people.
Look at most of the Apostles of Jesus. They were lowly fishermen. Not much education. But Oh! How the Lord used them to spread the gospel and to teach the early churches.
Down through the ages there have been many brethren who the Lord had to help with their speech. Why would our Lord use such men when there are so many who are able bodied speakers? Our Lord has a long record of using the simple minded and the physically impaired and the lowest of the low amongst His people to accomplish the greatest of His plans.
We hear people quote “Through Christ all things are possible”. If so, then why not also with the men He calls into His ministry? Many people will shy away from a “dumb ole' country boy” preacher because of his lack of education from the teachings of man made schools but that simple minded preacher many times will have the best practical knowledge and wisdom of God's Word than a man with multiple degrees for the highest of institutions.
The letters after a man's name doesn't always prove his knowledge of God's Word nor does it make him the best pastor over one of the Lord's flocks. Only a man who is truly trained of and by the Lord has the qualifications to be used by the Lord to preach, teach, and pastor.
Be wary of the one who brags of his qualifications and his education but cherish and pray for the one who humbly thinks he is unworthy of the position and understands it is only by the grace and mercy of God he is what he is.
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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