Saturday, June 26, 2021

Morning Devotional June 26, 2021


Hebrews 13:18

“Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.”

Do you pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ? Not just in our morning and evening prayers or in times of public prayers. What of the times when someone comes to our thoughts throughout the day or even in the middle of the night? We are commanded to “pray without ceasing”. So who or what is on our mind throughout the day and into the evening hours?

We should be praying for each other often. Whether we know of a need or not. Fact is, we all need the prayers of our brethren. Living in this old wicked world, we all have struggles and temptations. Some more than others. But, we all have them.

Like the writer of our text verse says, if we are living in good conscience and willing to live honestly we need prayer. For it is then that the enemy seems to oftentimes be more active in our lives. Thus, a reason we need prayer.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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