Saturday, December 11, 2021

Morning Devotional December 11, 2021


Luke 2:11

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”

Nowadays, starting in July or August the retail world begins putting out displays and having sales preparing people for the xmas season. The day that has become the most holy day all over the world. But why? Well, it's not hard to see the retail world is after the money. But what about God's people? Why are God's people following these traditions? Why are God's people following after a story that is so full of false doctrine and doctrines of devils?

But you say: “wait minute brother. It's the story of our Lord's earthly birth. It's in the Bible.” My question to you is this: “Why does the story told today, the story most popular today, have so many discrepancies with the story told in God's Word?” And where in the Bible do you find some of the things taught this time of year as being part of the story of our Lord's birth?

Are we not commanded to “study to show ourselves approved unto God”? Then why is it when it comes to the story of the birth of the Christ child people refuse to study what God's Word says? Why are they more prone to follow after those who have no desire for the truth than to follow the truth itself?

If you are interested and I mean truly interested in the truth then go study the story of Jesus' birth in the Books of Matthew and Luke. Go to Isaiah and find the verses pertaining to His birth. Seek out the truth as God has commanded His people. Flee the traditions of man and follow the Lord!!!

As God's people we are commanded to proclaim the truth of God's Word to all the world. But what kind of witness are we if we can't even get the events of His earthly birth correct?

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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