Saturday, July 30, 2022

Morning Devotional July 30, 2022


Luke 1:37

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

Oh how often we forget this promise!!! Or is it denial? We read of God's promises in our daily readings, we hear them preached from His pulpits, we even see them posted on social media. So is it forgetfulness or denial that we live our lives in such a way that it appears we have never heard or read of God's promises to His people?

Forgetfulness is one thing. In 1Timothy Paul instructs the young preacher, soon to be pastor, to remind the brethren of things. This is why a good minister will preach certain things over and over again. It is good for us to be reminded of the things of God. Especially His promises. That's why we preach the gospel over and over. Even when we feel certain the ones we are preaching to are already saved. We need to be reminded of the gospel and other doctrines from time to time.

But what about denial? How is denial different from forgetfulness? Denial of God and His Word is nothing less than rebellion against God Himself. When we refuse to follow the Lord but still seek His promises for His people, what kind of witness is this for those watching us? When God promises to take care of us in this life and we still worry and fret and seek counsel from everyone but from God's Word and yet we still expect Him to bless us and show mercy on us in difficult times. How is it we claim to love the Lord but we refuse to follow His commandments?

Jesus said “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” If we truly believe this our lives should reflect this. If not, do we truly love Him as we should?

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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