Mark 13:32
“But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.”
Can you imagine the chaos that would be going on around us if God's people knew the day and the hour of our Lord's return? I wonder how many of us would leave the churches and follow after every earthly lust imaginable only to then return a few short days or hours before His return to repent and seek His face?
We like to think we would go about preaching the gospel to the lost and living a holy life. But would we really? As sinful men, it is best for us that we do not know the return of the Bridegroom for His Bride. We are instructed to work till He comes. We are commanded to prepare ourselves for His coming. These things we are to do as if His coming were to be at any moment.
Are you living like there is no tomorrow? Are you a faithful member of one of the Lord's Churches? If our Lord were to return today, this very hour, would He find us faithful?
Though we know not the day nor the hour, we must be prepared. If we expect to be in His Bride, we must have our bags packed and ready to go, in the blink of an eye. Our work for the Lord on this earth does not stop till He takes us through death or till He comes to take us to the wedding.
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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