Sunday, October 2, 2022

Morning Devotional October 2, 2022


1 Corinthians 16:14

“Let all your things be done with charity.”

We are commanded to 1st love God and 2nd to love our neighbor. Jesus said these were the greatest of all the commandments. If we do not love God first we cannot truly love our neighbor. We may show some kind of compassion or friendship toward our neighbor but we will not truly love them unless we love God first.

And how much do we love God? Do we love Him like He loves us? Do we love Him enough to follow His commandments like He commands us too? Often times we would like to think we do. But do we really?

We need to examine ourselves daily. Remove any sin that maybe in our lives. By reading and studying God's Word daily and being in constant prayer with our Heavenly Father, our love for Him will grow and strengthen.

It is only when we have loved God that the love for our neighbors will come. Not just our neighbors in this world, but also our brothers and sisters in Christ. By showing Godly love to our brethren we can be a witness to our worldly neighbors for the love of Christ. In hopes that if they are the elect of God He will use that witness to bring them to Himself.

Praise God for the love He has instilled within us for Him and our neighbors!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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