Saturday, November 12, 2022

Morning Devotional November 12, 2022


2 Timothy 3:16-17

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

I would like us to look at a word this morning that I don't believe I have really never thought much about until recently. The word “Dogmatic” or “Dogmatical”.

Here is the definition according to Websters 1828 Dictionary:


1. Pertaining to a dogma, or to settled opinion.

2. Positive; magisterial; asserting or disposed to assert with authority or with overbearing and arrogance; applied to persons; as a dogmatic schoolman or philosopher.

3. Positive; asserted with authority; authoritative; as a DOGMATICAL opinion.

4. Arrogant; overbearing in asserting and maintaining opinions.”

Over the years I have heard preachers use this word in the positive to tell how strong they believe something or use this word in the negative to tell why they may not be very strong in a certain teaching.

As God's children, we should be dogmatic in certain doctrines taught in God's Word. A few examples; We must be dogmatic on the teaching of the Gospel, the doctrines of election and predestination, the doctrine of the Lord's Church, Creation, etc. Anything God has made clear in His Word we must be and remain dogmatic about. Another words, a dogmatical opinion must be taught with authority from on High. The only way this is possible is if it is clearly taught in God's Word and is clearly understood by the man preaching the message.

However, there are doctrines or teachings we may not understand completely. These doctrines we must be careful about. These doctrines, which may not be made clear in God's Word, whether God has not opened them to us yet or in our rebellion we have refused to see the whole truth of the matter. The fact is there are times where the Lord does not reveal a certain teaching to us and so, in such cases we can not be dogmatic in our beliefs or opinions on the matter.

For example: some of the end times prophecy, what Heaven looks like, what life was like on earth between the fall of Adam and Noah, etc.

The fact of the matter is there are things mentioned in the scripture that we may never understand or know what really happened. We can guess but that is all it is, a guess.

The problem I see in all this is we have preachers who will not be dogmatic where God's Word is clear while at the same time they are dogmatic on things they have no knowledge of.

Another issue is when a preacher says he is not dogmatic about a certain teaching but continues to preach the topic as if he is dogmatic. It is like the old saying that says “if you preach something loud enough and often enough the people will begin to believe it.”. Brethren, that is dangerous. Very dangerous. If the scripture is not clear on something then why continue to bring it up? If you need Godly counsel to help understand it, that is one thing, but to continue to preach something that you, yourself are not sure about and God's Word is not openly clear about can make us out to be a false teacher.

Remember what Peter said in 2 Peter 1:20 “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.”

We will have our different opinions on matters. Certainly no two Christians are going to believe exactly the same on every single doctrine. But, there are certain doctrines we must be dogmatic about and preach with God given authority. Then there are things we may mention in passing or give our opinion about that we cannot be dogmatic about because God has not taught clearly in His Word. Those things we can study and ponder about but we must be very careful about if we preach them from the pulpit. If the scripture is silent then what right or authority do we have to be dogmatic about our opinion?

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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