Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Morning Devotional February 14, 2024

Psalm 96:3

“Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.”

While I have been working with children of God in other countries, I have come to realize the heathen are not always in some far away land. I see a great moving of the Holy Spirit upon people in other nations. People who are starving for the Word of God. People who have a desire to receive what we have so freely in our land. People who's simple desire is to have a Bible so they can learn more about the love of God for His children. People who are tired of being lied to by false preachers and teachers.

Sadly, it appears there are more heathen in our own land and even in the “churches” of our own land than in a lot of places around the world. What a sad witness for a nation that wants to claim to be “One Nation Under God”.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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