Saturday, April 6, 2024

Morning Devotionals April 6, 2024

 Proverbs 27:17

“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”

The Lord has blessed us here again with permitting us to have another annual Bible Conference. I still consider myself as the new kid on the block as I have only been the pastor here for 6 years this month. Of course, I have been to many Bible Conferences and Revival Meetings and Fellowship Meetings over the years. But always a blessing to sit and listen to the stories of the older preachers. Especially the stories they tell of things that they have seen in their ministries. Some of my favorites are the stories of how our Lord has blessed His people over the years through these types of meetings. I often wonder why so many who used to come to these conferences have stopped coming. There is a wealth of knowledge I believe we are loosing with the current generations of older folks who are getting fewer and fewer each year. In my short time here we have seen several older pastors and their wives go to be with the Lord. But I believe a more sad thing we have seen is how many of the younger generations have fallen away from the truth in so much that many will not even attend a church where the truth is taught. Among the Lord's true churches today there seems to be an open rebellion against what the older generation of preachers were preaching and teaching. Some have gone off to follow after false churches and have chosen to no longer have fellowship with those where they grewup.

I keep thinking “what a time of Iron Sharpening” we are missing out on.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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