Monday, January 19, 2015

Morning Devotional January 19, 2015

Romans 8:35
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?”
What or who can separate us from our Savior's love? Nothing nor nobody!!! Praise the Lord!!! for this truth! Ther is nothing anyone can do to us. There is nothing we can do ourselves that can take us from the love of Jesus Christ! Forever and forever.
Though this world with it's tribulations and persecutions distress us daily. Though we may be physically starved and without clothing or a roof over our heads. Though we may meet death by peril or by sword. His love is always with us. Never faultering. Never failing. Never abandoning us.
The love that Christ has bestowed upon us is eternal. It is everlasting. It is forevermore.
Though we sin against Him on a daily basis. His love for us continues.
Though we try to run towards perils. Though we deny His very presence at times. He is there. Everready to prove His love for us. Never leaving us alone. Praise God He never leaves us alone!!!
Praise ye the Lord!!!

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