Jonah 2:10
“And the Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.”
I am sure we have all read the story of Jonah. Where God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh but instead Jonah decided to disobey God and go to Tarsus. How in Jonah's rebellion God sent a great fish that would swallow Jonah and take him to the bottom of the sea and Jonah would spend three days and three nights in the fish's belly.
All this because Jonah did not want to follow the plan God had for him. Yet, our God, being Sovereign, had Jonah do just as He planned. But not before the Lord had the fish vomit Jonah out on to dry land.
Have you ever been vomited upon dry land? Not literally but figuratively. We know the literal story of Jonah. But is this not an example of how our Lord does us when we rebel and try to run from what He has planned for us. He takes us to the depths of the sea. Inside the most disgusting, most depressing place we could imagine. And when He has us ready and willing and begging to give into His will and plan that He has set forth for us, just like being vomited out of a fish's belly, sometimes the end of our rebellion is filled with us being disgusted with our-self for not following our Lord.
O but when He has cleaned us off and put us on the road to where He wants us, what joy fills our hearts!!! What a glorious Lord and Savior we belong to!!! What joy to know that even in our rebellion that He loves us enough to chastise us then clean us off and use us to His glory!!!
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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