Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Morning Devotional August 1st, 2017

Colossians 2:8

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

In our day and time we so many turning to horoscopes and eastern mysticism and quoting from men who were /are far from anything godly. The sad thing is God's own people are playing around with this. It is rare to find a news paper without horoscopes. Even some of the games we see played on social media delve into this. We see God's people quote from Buddha or Confucius or others of the like.
Horoscopes give a false hope. The Eastern religions give quotes that sound good but notice many of these quotes can be found in God's Word. Same meaning just worded a little different. So why would we go outside of God's Word for a false hope and for “feel good” sayings?
Many look to the “great” philosophers of Rome and Greece and of the old world before Christianity. Why? Is God's Word not enough for us? Does not God's Word fulfill our appetite for knowledge? Did not God tell us His Word was all we would need?
O the shame of the modern pastor who will stand and preach from the writings of one of these I have mentioned. Forsaking the teachings of our Lord and Savior!!!
Remember, these other things and people I mention are not of God. Horoscopes are witchcraft. These men from these Eastern religions worshiped other gods and not the true God. They teach/taught from the ideas of man not from the Word of God. Though there words sound nice and rewarding, study from where they come. If it is not from God then leave it alone. If it is not from God it is not for His people.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God. Flee the ways and the thoughts and the ideas and the teachings of this old sinful world. Remember who you are and who you belong. We are not our own, we have been bought with a price. A price none of use could have paid ourselves. A price only God, our Heavenly Father was willing to pay and only He could afford. The price? His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Without this price being paid we would be just like rest of the world. Dying in our sin. Wallowing in the mire of deceit. Heading for an eternal torment. O what a Savior!!! O hallelujah!!! Praise His name we are His and He is ours!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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