Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Morning Devotional September 13, 2017

Galatians 3:3
Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?”

We see so many of God's people today who are following the flesh and not the Spirit. The old adage “if it feels good, do it” has been taken to heart by many a child of God. This very teaching has crept into the Lord's churches and has polluted the very doctrines they used to hold dear.
The followers of this seem to be, at first, sincere in their actions and words and at times can bring a very compelling argument for their way of thinking. But, if, we will go to God's Word and search the scriptures on these matters, we can quickly see the error of their ways.
Most have, in their own minds, admirable intentions for church growth and reaching the lost with the gospel. But what does God say on these things? Did not Paul write that it is God who will give the increase? I Corinthians 3:6-7. As pro-claimers of the gospel, all we can do is plant and water. But only God can save the lost soul. Only God can bring His own to Himself. Only God gives the increase. And God has given instruction on how this is to be done. He has given us instructions on how to sow the seed and to water the plants and what to do when the harvest time has come. Yet we as sinful men think our way is better.
A great example is the life of a farmer. This is the example the Lord uses over and over in His Word. A farmer prepares the ground. He plants the seed. He waters when it is time. Then the rest is waiting on the Lord to grow the plants and to provide the increase of the harvest. The Lord has given the farmer the know how to know when to prepare the ground, to plant the seed, and to water. But after that, every farmer knows there is absolutely nothing he can do till the harvest is ready. He can fertilize, he can remove the weeds, and he can continue to water when needed. But it is only God who has determined if any or all of this will produce. Sometimes God sends a storm and destroys the crop before the harvest. Sometimes He sends insects or a fungus. But even all this is in God's hands and is His will and none of the farmers.
So, are we so foolish that we think we can change the mind of God? Are we so foolish that we think His will is based on our wants? Are we following God's Holy Spirit or are we following our flesh? If we follow Him He will make our wants coincide with His will.

Praise ye the Lord!!! 

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