Thursday, October 12, 2017

Morning Devotional October 12, 2017

1 John 5:19

And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.”

If we are of God then why are we so quick to follow the world? If the world lieth in wickedness like the Lord tells us then why do we follow the world and not our Lord and Savior?
Yesterday I spoke on the unholy day of Halloween and God's churches seeming so willing to follow after that most evil day/night of the year. But it doesn't stop there. God's people have always followed after the world. The lust of the flesh and the pride of life is a tool used by satan and his fallen angels to ruin the witness for Christ in many a child of God. And it seems God's people are so willing to follow.
The temptation is great and when we are to preoccupied with the things of the world to stay in communion with our Heavenly Father we become spiritually weak and tend to follow what seems to be the easy path through life. Satan will use these times to tempt us with what seems to be harmless and innocent idols. Our attention can be drawn by the latest Hollywood movie/TV show or our favorite sports star/team or our children's extracurricular activities or social media. The list is endless.
God told Jeremiah to tell the people in Jerusalem that their spiritual adultery was nothing new. God said it started when their fathers left Egypt. As with God's churches today. We can read in the New Testament where God's first century churches were following the ways of the world in their day. Paul, Peter, James, John and others warned of this. Yet we do exactly as they warned us not to do.
Our Lord made it clear many times in His Word. If we love Him we will follow His commandments. But today we hear preachers tell us that if we follow God's Word for our life we are being legalistic or hard-shell. Some will go as far to say that we have “soul liberty” or because we are saved by God's Grace we are free to do as we please. But what saith the Lord?
Remember God tells us that if we love Him His commandments will not be grievous to us. Another words, if we love Him we will want to follow His commandments. His commandments will become the norm in our life. But only if we love Him.
O child of God, where is you're love for God today? Are you more in love with the world and the idols you have created in this life than you are with you're Lord and Savior? So much more that you find His commandments grievous? Have you found the world easier to follow than Christ? Where is you're witness for the Lord? Follow Him!!! Leave the things of the world and follow Christ!!! Set the example for all those around you.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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