Saturday, October 21, 2017

Morning Devotional October 21, 2017

2 Corinthians 12:10

Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.”

Read this verse carefully. Notice Paul says all these things “for Christ's sake”. Today we see many who want to claim the problems in their lives are brought on by their claiming the name of Christ. They fret and worry and wonder why God would allow such to happen to them. No thought at all that God may have them in a trial to strengthen their faith. Or possibly that it may be God's chastisement on His child for failure to follow His commandments.
How often we fail to recognize what God is truly doing with our life. Or is it because we are in self-denial of what He is doing?
Paul says he took pleasure in knowing that the problems in his life were because of his work for Christ's sake. Paul understood that because he was taking a stand for the truth and was following the commandments of our Lord that he would and was suffering these things he lists in this verse. All because of his stand for Christ. Paul also knew that when these things got him down physically that was when the Lord would strengthen him spiritually.
O how we should heed the words of Paul. If we are living according to the ways of our Lord we will suffer for that. This world and the one who is ruling this world me has a deep hatred for the things of God and the people of God. Especially for those who take a stand for the truth and will live their life according to God's Word.
O child of God take pleasure in the persecutions thrown you're way by our great advisory and his followers. Fore they do so because of you're faithfulness to the God of Heaven.
Also take pleasure in that our Heavenly Father sees fit to try our faith at times all for the purpose to strengthen us and to teach us to be better witnesses for Him. And all this is for His honor and glory!!!
Praise ye the Lord!!! 

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