Sunday, November 12, 2017

Morning Devotional November 12, 2017

Acts 20:7
And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.”

O how wonderful it must have been to hear the Apostle Paul preach! What did Paul have to say in his sermons that would cause the people to be willing to listen till midnight? Or were they willing to stay longer but the Lord took his words from him so that he might rest before his journey the next day? Either way these people were willing to listen.
Where is this willingness today? Why are God's people not willing to sit and hear the preacher preach all night? Does he not preach the same message as Paul? He better be. If not don't waste your time. But if he is, then O what a blessing!!!
We have come to a place in our society today where we have a short attention span and have no respect for the Word of God being preached. Sermons are held to thirty minutes or less in most of the Lord's churches. When a man is given more from the Lord the people grumble and complain. Are they complaining because of what is being preached or is it because they are worried they are going to miss Sunday football or their favorite movie or maybe be late for a meal? So many things interrupt our thoughts during a sermon. No matter if the sermon is good or not. Where are our thoughts? They should be on the Word that is being preached not on what we have planned afterwards.
Go and hear the Word of God preached today. If you are not able to go then listen over the internet or to recordings. Read God's Word for yourself if these others are not available. Pray for God's people today. Pray for His churches. Pray for His ministers that they will preach the truth no matter the cost.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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