Saturday, November 18, 2017

Morning Devotional November 18, 2017

1 Thessalonians 5:11
Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.”

In many places in His Word God commanded His people to be an encouragement to each other. That is not to say we are to glory in one's sin but when they are struggling with a matter in life. A trial from God Himself. If they are being persecuted for taking a stand for our Lord and His Word. Sometimes, as children of God we need a brother or sister to give us a pat on the back or a hug, a show of Christ like love for whatever is troubling us. Letting someone know we are praying for them and that they are in our thoughts and prayers can be all they need to hear for strength. Our Lord can and does use us in many ways to comfort one another.
O child of God, be a comfort to others in their time of need. If it is your time of need, do not be to prideful to ask our brothers and sisters for prayer and comfort. Count it a blessing from God to have others trust you enough to ask you for prayer. Count it a blessing from God when others see you struggle and let you know they pray for you.
O what a joy to serve the Lord by caring for His saints. Showing the love He gave the example of in His Word. Pray for one another!!! Pray without ceasing!!! Praise God for those who care enough to pray for you!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!! 

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