Proverbs 6:16-19
“16These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an
abomination unto him:
17A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent
18An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be
swift in running to mischief,
19A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth
discord among brethren.”
Folks, we need to take a long hard look at these seven
things listed here. Then take a long hard look in the mirror at our-self.
How often do God's people commit such grievous sins against
each other. We are a wicked and deceitful people. Even with the love of God in
us, there are times we fall for the wickedness of sin that is in our flesh. At
times we become so consumed by the influence of the world around us that we
forget how we are commanded by our Lord to love and to cherish those who, like
us, are His children. Our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Out of all this list there is one that, at first glance,
seems out of place with the others. “and hands that shed innocent blood”. We
would not normally think of murder be involved with the others. But think about
that for a moment. Are we so set against a brother or sister that we would rather
see the dead than to have to deal with them? Would we rather see them dead than
to have to follow the Lord's commandment to seek forgiveness from them for our
wrongs against them?
As children of God we are commanded to love one another as
Christ loved us. This list of things that the Lord hates show anything but love
for one another. Yet so many times we see God's people, yea even fellow church
members, develop a deep hatred for each other because of a word spoken out of
place or a unfounded rumor or even our own imaginative thoughts and ideas that
are based on things we have no true knowledge of. We must know the truth of a
matter before falling into what the Lord hates.
If a brother or sister comes to us asking forgiveness for
something they may have wronged us in we are to accept that apology. If we have
wronged them we are to go to them and we should expect the same from them. We
must be willing to love our brothers and sisters as our Lord gave example and
as He commands. O the blessings we miss out on if we don't!!!
O child of God, do you see one or more of these sins listed
in your life? Follow Christ!!! Seek His forgiveness then seek the forgiveness
of those we have wronged. If we can't forgive on another what right do we have
to seek forgiveness from our Lord? If we are not willing to forgive one another
will He even listen to our prayers?
Follow Christ!!! Seek the forgiveness of each other. Seek to
follow our Lord's commandments and to bring glory to His name and not our own.
Praise ye the Lord!!!