Sunday, January 19, 2020

Morning Devotional January 19, 2020

Proverbs 21:1 
“The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.”

Some years ago I heard a man say this verse only applied to the king in the time in which the verse was written. But, even read in it's context we see no indication of that. And if that were a true statement, does that mean the Lord only dealt in the life of king Solomon in such a way? Well, of course not. We read all throughout God's Word where the Lord deals with all His creatures in such a way as this. Man's refusal of God being Sovereign over everything in heaven and earth is more of man's futile attempt to bring glory to the creature instead of where it belongs, to the Creator. 
Yes, the Lord even controls heart of our world leaders. Even those who are not His children. Remember Pharaoh? God said He hardened the heart of Pharaoh. Remember in Jeremiah where the Lord gave the Prophet Jeremiah all the “I will” verses of all the things He was going to bring upon Judah and the city of Jerusalem at the hand of the armies of the north? Remember how God gave Paul opportunity to preach the gospel to the leaders at the temple in Jerusalem, to two different Roman governors, to king Agrippa, and finally all the way to Caesar. 
Whether man likes it or not God is all Sovereign. Over everything in His creation. Key word there “HIS” creation. 

Praise ye the Lord!!! 

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