Friday, January 24, 2020

Morning Devotional January 24, 2020

John 5:8-9 
“8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.
9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.”

Our Lord teaches us that we must walk by faith and not by sight. As it was with the man in the verses above. When the Lord gave a command this man was immediately made whole and followed the Lord's command. It mattered not what day of the week it was or who was watching or what condition he was in. By faith, he followed the Lord's command. 
Often times the Lord gives us a command to follow and we lolly gag around and kick the dirt as a child being told it is time to leave the playground. All because it is not what we want. But, if our faith were on the Lord as it should be, His wants would be our wants. We would be in harmony with our Lord concerning what He has for us. Instead we put or wants and the lust of this life before what our Lord has for us. 
So, do we walk by faith or by sight? Do we take up our bed and walk or do we lie there in our self pity and wonder why the Lord refuses to heal? But, remember, following the Lord must be done in truth. Saying we are following the Lord and doing it in such away that goes against His Word is no better than not following. 

Praise ye the Lord!!! 

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