Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Morning Devotional December 15, 2020


Proverbs 3:33

“The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.”

As sinful men, oftentimes we look at the physical and not the Spiritual in matters. How often we look at the wicked of this world and covet what they have in physical possessions and wealth and health. Yet, we must understand what they have here in this life is the best they will ever have. This is their best life now. For once they leave this life all their riches and fame and health will be burned up.

But for the child of God, though we may suffer trials and tribulations in this life we know, without a doubt, that day is coming when we will share in the inheritance our Heavenly Father has for His children. An inheritance that is much more than any rich man could amass here on this earth. And it will not be temporary, but rather eternal!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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