Sunday, February 27, 2022

Morning Devotional February 27, 2022


Isaiah 42:8

“I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.”

Pictures of someone pretending to be Jesus? Images of crosses? Images of so called angels? A so-called Christain Flag? How many different graven images do we see God's people praising? How many Landmark Sovereign Grace Baptist praise these or other graven images? At home, at the office, on social media, or even in the Church building?

Over and over and over God warns and forbids His people to praise or to even have in their possession graven images used in praise. And we see multiple examples of God not being happy with His people over this very issue. Yet, time and time again God's people follow after the traditions of Egypt, Babylon, and Rome.

It is high time the Lord's Churches make a stand for the truth and quit following the whines and imaginations of worldly religion. Just because it sounds good or it looks pretty or it makes you feel good, does not mean it pleases God. We are here to please God and to glorify His name before all the Earth. But if we are following the ways of sinful man how can we bring glory to God? How can we truly be the witness for Christ we are supposed to be?

Exam what you do. How is it with God's Word?

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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