Saturday, May 7, 2022

Morning Devotional May 7, 2022


Psalm 96:3

“Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.”

And do we do this? When we go to the Book of Acts we see Missionaries. Men called of God, sent out by local New Testament churches to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in places we cannot physically go ourselves. What a blessing to be able to provide financial support to such men!

Today we will have such a man called of God to go to the wilderness of Wyoming come and preach for us from God's Word and then present the mission work God has called him too.

You may ask “How wild is Wyoming?” Study the history of our nation and in particular the western expansion in the 1800s and early 1900s. A lot of the people who moved from the east to the west left behind their “Christianity”. Much of the western states and territories were settled by men and women who were not as religious as their forefathers who settled the eastern part of our country a few generations before.

Is it any wonder there is so much of a show of ungodliness in places like California, Oregon, Washington, etc?

Pray for those men who God calls to the mission fields around the world. Pray for their families and for the people they preach the Gospel to.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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