1 Corinthians 2:5
“That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”
We often hear this verse quoted by those who think they can properly worship God outside of one of His churches. On one hand there are those who refuse to have anything at all to do with the Lord's churches. These people will try to say there is no need for organized churches in our day. These people falsely believe that all those who are saved are part of the Lord's Universal/Invisible church. Therefore, there is no real need to join and be an active member in any kind of church whatsoever.
Then there is the group who believes in church membership and may even believe they should be the members of a true New Testament Baptist Church. But, for whatever reason that's as far as their belief takes them. They will attend a church for a time, request membership, and may even be faithful in that membership for a time. When asked by friends and family where they are members, they proudly state the name of the church and maybe even the pastor. As time goes by they fall away from the church they are so proudly a member of. During the week and maybe on Sunday too, they are able to go and do their normal routine about town and family and friends but when it comes time for the service time they are nowhere to be found. When asked about these things, oftentimes our text verse is quoted or one similar.
Both groups mentioned will claim their faith is in God and not in the institution our Lord established while on this earth. And they are partially correct. Our faith must be grounded in the power of God. But, how often we forget who the Apostle Paul was writing to when he penned this verse. Paul was writing to one of the Lord's churches.
Where are you today? If you are a member of one of the Lord's churches where are you when the doors are open and the membership has gathered to worship together? Where are the desires of your heart? On the things of the Lord or on the things of man? Are you a faithful, outstanding member or a member standing outside with more faith in the world than in the Lord?
Praise ye the Lord!!!
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