Saturday, September 24, 2022

Morning Devotional September 24, 2022


Psalm 3:8

“Salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah.”

Praise God our salvation belongs to the Lord!!! What horrible shape would we be in if our salvation belonged to us? The fact of the matter is, no matter how intelligent man becomes or how much more enlightened he claims to be than his forefathers, the salvation of God's elect will always belong to the Lord. It is only through the blood of Jesus Christ that our salvation is made possible. It is only by the grace of God through the faith He gives us and nothing we could do ourselves that gifts us salvation. And only to those God has chosen before the foundations of the Earth.

Man, in his finite wisdom, thinks he can replace God with himself. Yet, all around us every second of every day God proves through His creation many things man has no control over and can never control. Many claim to control their own destiny, but every day there are situations and circumstances that arise they cannot control.

As God's people we must praise God for His blessing upon His people. For without that blessing we would be just as the unsaved. Consumed with our-self, trying to save our-self from eternal destruction and living life to the fullest while we can.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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