Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Morning Devotional January 24, 2023


Hebrews 11:1

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

As God's people today, we have faith in many things in our daily lives. We have faith in some of the most simplest of things: that our vehicle will crank and take us wherever we want to go, we have faith that when we turn the faucet on the water will come out, we have faith when we flip a switch the lights will come on, we have faith when we turn the knob the door will open, etc. We could go on and on with a list of simple things in our everyday lives that we have put faith in that they will perform as they were designed. But what happens when one or more of those things we have come to trust breaks and does not work as it should? Our faith falters for a time. Until we have tried it a few times after it has been fixed we are sceptical and cautious when we try to use it again.

Now, what about our faith in God? Our Heavenly Father? The one who gave His only begotten Son as payment for our sins? Where is our faith in Him? God has promised to always be with us. God has promised to never forsake us. God has promised many blessings to His children in this life if they would only follow Him. Remember that list of things in the last paragraph? The simple things in our everyday lives? Who was it you think gave man the knowledge and wisdom to invent such things for our pleasure? Who is it that causes those things to work as they are designed over and over? Who is it that proves to us that the things man invents will eventually wear out and break? And who is it you think tries our patience when those things don't work as they should?

Yes, God uses the simplest things in our lives to teach us and to try us everyday. And yet we put more trust in those things invented by man than we do the promises of God.

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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