Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Morning Devotional January 25, 2023


John 14:6

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Many say today “We all serve the same God. No matter our religious affiliation.” But what did God say? The Son of God says “no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

This one verse explains a lot about the current thought on religion in our world today.

Without Jesus Christ we do not serve the same god as others. Even those who claim the name “Christian”.

Last week I had to work a few short hours with a man who used very bad language most of the time we were together. When I told him I was the pastor of a church he apologized for his language but continued using it. As he was leaving he told me he was a good faithful Catholic and he would be in Mass on Sunday. He told me “I guess you will be in Mass on Sunday as well”. I replied that I am a Baptist and we do not do Mass but have a worship service. As he was running out the door to leave he said “well that's good. We all serve the same god anyway.”

I have found that the average, everyday Roman catholic out there has no idea the great differences in his religion and the God of the Bible. Much less the differences in Roman Catholicism and Baptist. I hear “We are all striving to get to the same place in the end.” But are we really? The vast majority of Catholics I come across do not practice true repentance. They curse, lie, cheat, certain days of the week they are drunkards. But on Sunday they are in Mass. As if going to that one service a week makes them look good in the eyes of God.

Sadly, there are some Baptist who don't think much different than a Roman Catholic when it comes to living a clean life and practicing true repentance. The big difference is without Jesus Christ a man has no desire to repent of His sin. Without Jesus Christ a man will die and go to Hell and never know the true God.

Where are you today? Out there running wild all week then playing church on Sunday? Or do you love Jesus Christ enough to follow His commandments?

Praise ye the Lord!!!

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