Psalm 56:11
“In God have I put my trust: I will not be
afraid what man can do unto me.”
Putting our trust in God seems so easy to
say. But in all reality, we, as God's children, fail at this many times over.
Instead of turning to our Heavenly Father in time of need we turn to ourselves
or to others whom we trust more than our Lord. Many times in His Word God warns
us this. He tells us in many places in His scripture to turn to Him. He reminds
us many times to place all our cares on Him. Yet over and over again we turned
to everything and everyone but our Heavenly Father. The only one who can give
us peace, security, and relief from our troubles is God our Saviour. Remember
what He has already done for us? He has saved our soul from hell and eternal
death. What greater blessing is there than to know our Heavenly Father has
planned from before time began to give us eternal life?
And yet we are afraid on a daily basis of
what lies before us and behind us. We fear our past, our present, and our
future. Oh what needless pain we bare!!! All because we do not put our trust in
Him!!! As His children, trust Him. Lay your burdens at His feet. What a joy and
a blessing to know that like a child we can go to our Heavenly Father with our
fears and He will hold us in His arms and consol us and protect us from
whatever evil may befall us. Lay your burdens on Him and fear nothing and no
Praise ye the Lord!!!