Sunday, May 3, 2015

Morning Devotional May 3rd, 2015

Malachi 2:7


“For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.”

Now days it seems difficult to find a minister who speaks and teaches with a true knowledge of the Word of God. Many have reduced themselves to teaching vain philosophy and pyscology. They take the Word of God out of context to build up their own theology and deceive the masses with their false prophecies.

Remember a man who can quote many scriptures does not always know the meaning of those scriptures. I believe this to be one of the reasons the Lord instructed us to study the scriptures ourselves and to take the scripture and prove what the preacher has taught us.

Notice in the verse above; “and they should seek the law at his mouth”. The “they” are the congregation. We should be seeking that Word of God from the preacher. Not just a verse here and there. But the whole Word. A messenger of the Lord of hosts should be preaching the whole counsel of God not just pretty words.

So I encourage you, if at all possible find a church where the pastor preaches the truth, the whole counsel of God. If there is not one where you live there are many preachers with sermons on the internet. There are preachers who will send you CDs of their sermons. If you need help in this area please let me know. Pray the Lord sends a missionary to your area. Let us know and we will pray with you about this. 


Praise ye the Lord!!!


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