Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Morning Devotional May 26, 2015

Ephesians 5:1, 2


“Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.”


As the children of God we are to be followers of God. Our Heavenly Father. As His children we are dependant on Him for our every need. I maybe wrong here, but I do not find in the scriptures where God ever refers to His children as grown-ups or adults. We are always referred to as children or I some scriptures even little children. And why not? Look at how we act. We act like little children. We kick and scream when we don't get our way. We run from the authority of our Heavenly Father. We are constantly disobeying. So of course He is going to remind us in His Word that we are as little children.


Now as His children, we are commanded to love one another. We are commanded to have a love for our brothers and sisters in Christ that is like unto His love for us. And He puts that love in us. But when we are living in disobedience to our Heavenly Father many times that love seems non-excistant. The next few verses in this chapter talk about different sins. I will not go there today. But remember no matter how they have wronged you. Love your brothers and sisters. Show them you love them with grace and mercy and forgiveness. We are to love them as Christ loved us.


Remember who you are. Remember whose you are. I'm a child of the King of Heaven, the Creator of all things, the Holy One who loved me so much He saved my soul from eternal hell. And joint heir with His Son Jesus Christ.



Praise ye the Lord!!!

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