Saturday, November 7, 2015

Morning Devotional November 7, 2015

Philippians 4:19

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Praise ye the Lord!!! We have a God who SHALL supply our every need!!! Not our lustful wants or our sinful self thought desires, but our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!!!

Hallelujah!!! What a Father we have that loved us so much before He even created the earth and heavens that He would chose us to be His children for all eternity. What a Savior we have in His Son Jesus Christ that He would shed His blood for us. Knowing all the while we would sin many times against Him in this life. What a Comforter we have in His Holy Spirit that comes into us at the moment  of salvation. To live in this old sinful and lustful body. O how that Comforter gives us such sweet peace in times of despair and grief. O how that Comforter speaks to us and convicts us of our very grossest of sins and causes us to seek his forgiveness even though we are so undeserving. Fore it is the blood of our Lord and Savior that makes deserving!!!

O how our Great Shepherd brings us back to Himself with His rod and staff of loving chastisement when we stray far from His fold. And O how Gracious is the love of our Father is toward us. To all His children. And only toward His children. What an inheritance His has prepared for us. O what a future we have to look forward to with our Heavenly Father. A future of worshiping Him for all eternity!!!

And all this is for His honor and glory!!!


Praise ye the Lord!!!


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